
How to: Create a Button for a Blog - Part 2

*Note: clicking the image will enlarge.

      6.  Knowing I would only have a 125 x 125 box to work with, my first move was to crop the picture into a square.  I would then re-size the image once I was satisfied with my work, as it's easier to work with a larger sized picture.  

      7.  Now the fun part begins... Adding text and other cool features.  If you click the Create tab, you will see the bar on the left display a whole new set of features.  

Since we're adding words, let's use the Text sub-tab. See below.

      8.  Here, you have enough options to make a math major's head spin.  There is an impressive array of font selections to browse, considering this is all free.  Once you make your choice, use the box at the top-left to type your words.  (Note: I had to enter 1 letter in at a time, in order to re-size and arrange each individual letter to the keyboard keys.)

      9.  Once all of your text has been input, you can run through the Effects sub-tab, which also offers a jaw-dropping arsenal of free tools to play with.  

      10.  Once you dabble around with the various effects, you can choose to add a custom Frame around your icon by using the Frame sub-tab.  

      Conclusion:  While the icon used throughout the tutorial is slightly different then the actual website button featured on the right side of the page, the process remains the same.  My final product, after much more time tinkering:


Thx for the review! I used it to make a 125 x 125 Ad for my site. I'll link to it soon.

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