
WiGig to offer 7Gbps speeds

I'm always amazed to watch the progression of new technology.  I've lived through the evolution of cellphones, the growth of the internet, and the increased sophistication at which we communicate.  50 years ago, computers were laughable.  Systems that took entire up rooms now fit neatly in my hands.  I remember the familar sound of static (and almost music) of logging in to AOL. 

With all this growth; this expansion of our understanding of how technology can be improved, our pace never falters.  We don't slow down with the announcement of a scientific breakthrough.  Just the opposite! The pace quickens!  Breakthroughs are a dime a dozen in today's world.  We expect it.  If the newest generation of phone or graphics card doesn't cause me to drool, then it isn't worthy of my time or attention.  I don't intend to sound bitter towards this growth, because it excites me.  I'm simply pointing out a truth about today's day and age.

I honestly believe the most useful breakthroughs are the ones that give us (the common consumers) faster access to internet.  Get me a device that can easily handle streaming high def. videos, and I'll finally be content.  One day, we'll be able to video chat with our friends in other countries, but with perfect quality- as though they are actually sitting beside you.

While we're not quite there yet, we're headed the right direction with WiGig.  Read below for more details.

"...WiGig is a specification for hardware that uses 60GHz frequencies to transmit up to 7 gigabits of data per second over the air; for comparison, 802.11n WiFi tops out at a few hundred megabits per second. In other words, a download of an HD episode of Archer on WiGig would take mere seconds, even without perfect reception. The system has been in development for some years now. The WiGig Alliance recently pegged the launch of capable devices for the first half of 2012.

WiGig is sufficiently advanced to have its own IEEE 802.11 standard, coded as 802.11ad. Using it at the time of release will require some new hardware both to send and receive signal, similar to when 5GHz started to make its way onto the market..."



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